Menu Functions ï 57Parallel MenuNote: Factory default settings are shown in bold.Item Settings ExplanationPARALLEL ENABLEDISABLEEnables or disables the parallel port.BI-DIRECTION ENABLEDISABLEEnables or disables bi-directionalfunctionality of the parallel port.ECP ENABLEDISABLEEnables or disables ECP mode.ACK WIDTH NARROWMEDIUMWIDESets width of ACK signal in compatiblereceiving:ï Narrow = 0.5 μSï Medium = 1.0 μSï Wide = 3.0 μSACK/BUSYTIMINGACK INBUSYACK WHILEBUSYSets the order in which the BUSY signal isoutput.ï ACK IN BUSY = BUSY goes low at endof ACK pules.ï ACK WHILE BUSY = BUSY goes low atcentre of ACK pulse.I-PRIME 3 MICRO SEC50 MICRO SECDISABLESets the time interval to enable/disablethe I-PRIME signal.OFF LINERECEIVEDISABLEENABLEEnable = maintains reception withoutchanging the interface signal, eventhough an alarm occurs. The interfacestays open even if the ON LINE button ispressed.The interface issues a BUSY signal onlywhen the receive buffer is full.