Menu functions > 36PPR EMULATIONThis menu controls settings effective when the printer isoperating in PPR emulation mode.A4 PRINTWIDTH78 COLUMN80 COLUMNSets the number of columns subject toAuto LF with A4 paper in PCL. This isthe value when Auto CR/LF Mode is setto OFF with the 10CPI character.WHITE PAGESKIPOFF / ON Selects whether blank pages areprinted or not.CR FUNCTION CR / CR+LF Selects whether a received carriagereturn character (0Dh) also causes aline feed.LF FUNCTION LF / LF+CR Selects whether a received line feedcharacter (0Ah) also causes a carriagereturn.PRINT MARGIN NORMAL1/5 INCH1/6 INCHSets the non-printable page area.NORMAL is PCL compatible.TRUE BLACK OFF / ON Selects whether black image data isprinted using black toner (ON) or 100%CMY (OFF). (Valid in PCL emulationmode only.)PEN WIDTHADJUSTON/OFFTRAY ID# MP TRAY1-4-59ITEM SETTINGS EXPLANATIONCHARACTERPITCH10 CPI;12 CPI; 17 CPI;20 CPI;PROPORTIONALSpecifies character pitch in IBM PPRemulation.FONTCONDENSE12CPI - 20CPI;12CPI - 12CPISpecifies 12CPI pitch for CondenseMode.CHARACTERSETSet 1; Set 2 Specifies a character set.ITEMS SETTINGS EXPLANATION