C9300/C9500 Setting up • 54PCL emulationThe default settings are bold.Item Value DescriptionFONT SOURCE Resident; DIMM0;DownloadedSelects location of the PCLfont used.DIMM0 is displayed only whenfont DIMM ROM exists in theslot.Downloaded only appears iffonts have been downloadedto the printer.FONT NO. I000, C001, S001 Sets the PCL font number.I = internal (resident font);I000 = Courier.C = Font stored in the printer'sFlash memory.S = downloaded soft font,stored on the printer's internalhard disk drive. Applies only toprinters with a hard disk driveinstalled.FONT PITCH 0.44 cpi to 99.99 cpi in0.01 cpi incrementsDefault = 10.00 cpiSets the font width incharacters per inch. Onlydisplayed if the font is a fixedspacing outline font.FONT HEIGHT 4.00 to 999.75 point, in0.25 point incrementsDefault = 12.00 pointSets the font point size.Applies only to fixed fonts(does not apply to proportionalfonts).