11-15 ShortcutsTO SET PRINT OPTIONS USING P RINT O PTION S HORTCUTS1. From the Fiery Printing tab, position your cursor over the print option you wantto set.The cursor changes into a hand.2. Click the selected print option and specify the appropriate settings.The print option bar in which the selected print option is located opens, and the printoption is highlighted. Alternatively, you can right-click the print option and click yourselection from the menu that appears.3. Click Apply to make the new settings the default or OK to close the Propertiesdialog box.TO SET PRINT OPTIONS USING THE P AGE S HORTCUTS1. From the Fiery Printing tab, click the Finishing tab, position your cursor over the pageimage, and then right-click.2. Specify the appropriate settings for the print options.3. Click Apply to make the new settings the default or OK to close the Propertiesdialog box.