- 185 -7. Utility Software6 Enter [Name] and [Description], and then click [Next].7 Clear the [Activate the default response rule (earlier versions of Windowsonly)] check box, and then click [Next].8 Select the [Edit Properties] check box, and then click [Finish].Setting Key Exchange1 Select the [General] tab in the New IP Security Policy Properties window.2 Click [Settings].3 Enter a value (minutes) in [Authenticate and generate a new key after every] inthe [Key Exchange Settings] window.Specify the same value as [Lifetime] in the "Phase1 Proposal" setting in "Setting This Machine". Enter a value inminutes in this step even if [Lifetime] is specified in seconds.4 Click [Methods].5 Click [Add] in the [Key Exchange Security Methods] window.6 Specify [Integrity algorithm], [Encryption algorithm], and [Diffie-Hellmangroup].Select the same value specified in [IKE Encryption Algorithm], [IKE Hush Algorithm], and [Diffie-Hellman group]in the "Phase1 Proposal" setting in "Setting This Machine".7 Click [OK].8 Select [OK] in the [Key Exchange Security Methods] window.9 Click [OK] in the [Key Exchange Settings] window.Setting an IP Filter1 Select the [Rules] tab in the IP security policy properties window.2 Click [Add].3 Click [Next] in [Security Rule Wizard].4 Select [This rule does not specify a tunnel] on the [Tunnel Endpoint] screen,and then click [Next].5 Select [All Network Connections] on the [Network Type] screen, and then click[Next].6 Click [Add] on the [IP Filter List] screen.7 Click [Add] in the [IP Filter List] window.8 Click [Next] on [IP Filter Wizard].9 Click [Next] on the [IP Filter Description and Mirrored property] screen.10 Click [Next] on the [IP Traffic Source] screen.11 Click [Next] on the [IP Traffic Destination] screen.12 Click [Next] on the [IP Protocol Type] screen.13 Click [Finish].Setting Filter Actions1 Click [OK] in the [IP Filter List] window.2 Select a new IP filter from the list on the [Security Rule Wizard], and then click[Next].3 Click [Add] on the [Filter Action] screen.4 Click [Next] in the [Filter Action Wizard].5 Enter [Name] and [Description] on the [Filter Action Name] screen, and thenclick [Next].6 Select [Negotiate security] on the [Filter Action General Options] screen, andthen click [Next].