Network configuration > 16NetBEUI/NetBIOS TabThis allows you to configure NetBEUI/NetBIOS related items.SNMP TabThis allows you to configure SNMP related items.ITEM EXPLANATIONUse NetBEUIProtocolSet NetBEUI protocol to enabled/disabled.Use NetBIOSover TCPSet NetBIOS over TCP to enabled/disabled.Short PrinterNameSet a name for the printer.Workgroup Set a work group name to which the printer belongs.Comment Set the comments for the printer (optional).ITEM EXPLANATIONUse SNMPServiceENABLE or DISABLE the SNMP protocol.SNMPV1+V3 Select from the drop-down box which (or both) of these to use.SNMPV1SettingsSNMP Read &Write Community.Enables these passwords to be changed.SNMPV3SettingsEnables Authorisation and Privacy (Encryption) setup to bedone.SysContact Set SysContact (printer manager) name.SysName Set SysName (printer model name).SysLocation Set SysLocation (the location where the printer is installed).