C7100/C7300/C7500 Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 296Network Printer Status utility• Available on TCP/IP network connection only.The Network Printer Status utility is available if your administratorhas installed it. If the utility is installed, you will see the followingchanges to the printer driver Properties dialog box:• a new Status tab is added.• an Option button is added to the Device Option tab.This utility allows you to view (but not change) the status of thefollowing on the Status tab:• paper trays installed and the media assigned to them.• total size and percentage used of disk/memory.• percentage of toner remaining.Important!If you select Automatic Status Update in the Status tab, thedriver will automatically ping the printer for the latest statusinformation every time you open the Properties dialog box. Thiscauses a significant delay until the Properties dialog box opens.To avoid this, use the Update Status button in the Status tab tomanually update the information on demand.