C7100/C7300/C7500 Setting up • 70Color MenuThe default settings are bold.Item Value DescriptionRESET CGAMMA FILTEREXECUTE Reset the stored TRC data (retained fortracking).For example, correct values could not betaken due to “out of order” situation.This is mainly for maintenance purposesand not ordinarily used.RESET MGAMMA FILTEREXECUTERESET YGAMMA FILTEREXECUTERESET KGAMMA FILTEREXECUTEBlock Device MenuThe default settings are bold.Item Value DescriptionINITIALIZE LOCK YES, NO Change to YES to block the operator panelfrom showing FLASH INITIALISE ITEM andPS FLASH RESIZE ITEM in the Diskmaintenance and Memory menus.Peak Power Control MenuThe default settings are bold.Item Value DescriptionPEAK POWERCONTROLNORMAL,LOWSets Peak Power Control.