08 Voice request A voice request from the transmitter is availableonly upon completion of the total messagetransmission.A voice request from the receiver is available atthe end of each page being received.09 Local copy Printing resolution:Horizontal: 8 PEL/mmHorizontal: 300 dpiVertical: 7.7 or 15.4 line/mm or variable10 Multiple local copy Up to 99 copies OKIFAX 5000 series.11 Manual loading feeder One single sheet from the feeder above the firstrecordingpaper cassette can be copied.Example of sheets:Transparency for an overhead projector12 Broadcast (Memory transmission) Maximum 84 (OKIFAX 5300) and Maximum 134(OKIFAX 5600) remote locations can be specifiedby the following means:One-touch keys (with of without a group list).Two-digit auto dial codes.5 keypad dial numberOne delayed time of calling for this feature can bespecified unless any other delayed calling featurehas been specified.5 delayed broadcasts for OKIFAX 5300, 20delayed broadcasts for OKIFAX 5600, and oneimmediate calling of broadcast is possible.For example, using an OKIFAX 5300 (5 specifiedtimes):2 specified time of delayed broadcast and 3specified time of delayed transmission.When multiple locations are specified for onebroadcast(1) The unit prints a broadcast entry report, ifspecified in operating sequence.(2) The unit can print a broadcast confirmationreport. (FP + 02 to enable or disable this printout)13 Delayed transmission from the memory The fax can automatically transmit documents atfive specified times from the memory. Can beprogrammed up to three days in advance.14 Polling transmission (To be polled) Document(s) placed on the feeder can be collectedby a remote station.15 Polling reception The fax can collect documents from one remotestation.16 Transmission preparation (Hopper) An operator can prepare documents fortransmission even while the fax is engaged inmessage reception. They will be automaticallytransmitted upon completion of the reception.An operator can also prepare documents fortransmission during transmission from memory.