‘ap NO . Name of Function LC Display show DescriptionFJ q Clearing total count5 ofpaper ~“,ting ti,,, 11o p e r a t i o n s o f t h e m a c h i n e .To clear the records for the total counts of the document feeder operations and the paper cuttingdocument pull-m andKIEI Not “redZlEi Not usedg H Clearing records for TO clear the default parameters of the existing machine configuration.various reports anddefault.configurationdata as specified No. 2: Telephone Number and Programmable Parameter ListNO. 3: Programmable Parameter ListNo. 4: Configuration ReportNO. 5: Service Default ReportNo. 6: Configuration Report and Service Default ReportNo. 7: All records fisted in, and S above.ZIEI Not usedZIEI Not usedKIEI Not used