90 ENFrequently-used options and customization (Accessory port menus)3 Editing the address bookThe OLYMPUS PENPAL can store host information. You can assign names to hosts ordelete host information.1 Select [OLYMPUS PENPAL Share] in #Accessory Port Menu (P. 72).2 Select [Address Book] and press Q.3 Select [Address List] and press Q.• The names of existing hosts are listed.1A. OLYMPUS PENPAL ShareBack SetPlease WaitAddress BookMy OLYMPUS PENPALPicture Send Size4 Select the host you wish to edit and press Q.Deleting hostsSelect [Yes] and press Q.Editing host informationPress Q to display host information. To change the host name, press Q again and editthe current name in the rename dialog. Creating albumsYour favorite JPEG pictures can be resized and copied to an OLYMPUS PENPAL.1 Display the picture you wish to copy full frame andpress Q.2 Select [z] and press Q.• To copy images from an OLYMPUS PENPAL to thememory card, select [y] and press Q.JPEGEraseSend A PictureBack Set# Cautions• The OLYMPUS PENPAL can be used only in the region in which it was purchased.Depending on the areas, the usage may infringe the wave regulations and may be subjectto its penalty.A OLYMPUS PENPAL ShareOption Description gPlease Wait Receive images and add hosts to the address book. 89Address Book [Address List]: View the hosts that have been saved to theaddress book.[New Pairing]: Add a host to the address book.[Search Timer]: Choose how long the camera searches fora host.90MENU # A