0EN5 Using the metronome1 [Home] { [Metronome]2 Press the +/− button to adjust thetempo3 Press the Play button to start themetronomeA• Use the VOLUME dial to adjust the volume ofthe metronome.• Select the [Metoronome Menu] from the[MENU] to make additional settings for themetronome (☞ page100).Tempo instructions to provide a rough ideaof tempoLARGO Widely andslowly =40~60LARGHETTO A little moreslowly =60~66ADAGIO Slowly =66~76ANDANTE Walking tempo =76~108MODERATO Moderately =108~120ALLEGRO Rapidly =120~168PRESTO Very fast =168~200PRESTISSIMO Very very fast =200~208TempoTempoinstructionMetronomeweightCounterindicatorUsing the metronome