60 ENUsing a new cardCards must be formatted with this camerabefore first use or after being used with othercameras or computers.[MEMORY FORMAT]/[FORMAT] (p. 41)Checking the image saving locationThe memory indicator shows whether theinternal memory or card is being used duringshooting and playback.Current memory indicatorv: Internal memory is being usedw: Card is being usedCurrent memoryindicatorPlayback modeShooting mode’10/02/26 12:30’10/02/26 12:304/304/3044PP0.00.0AUTOWBAUTOWBAUTOISOAUTOISO14 M00:3400:34Even if [MEMORY FORMAT]/[FORMAT],[ERASE], [SEL. IMAGE], [ALL ERASE] or[ERASE EVENT] is performed, the data inthe card is not completely erased. Whendisposing of the card, damage the card toprevent the disclosure of personal data.Readout/recording process of the cardDuring shooting, the current memoryindicator is displayed in red while the camerais writing data. Never open the battery/cardcompartment cover or unplug the USBcable. This can not only damage the imagedata but also render the internal memory orcard unusable.44PP0.00.0AUTOWBAUTOWBAUTOISOAUTOISO14 M00:3400:34Displayed in red