70 ENDisclaimer of WarrantyOlympus makes no representations orwarranties, either expressed or implied, by orconcerning any content if these written materialsor software, and in no event shall be liablefor any implied warranty of merchantability orfi tness for any particular purpose or for anyconsequential, incidental or indirect damages(including but not limited to damages for lossof business profi ts, business interruption andloss of business information) arising from theuse of inability to use these written materials orsoftware. Some states do not allow the exclusionor limitation of liability for consequential orincidental damages, so the above limitationsmay not apply to you.TrademarksIBM is a registered trademark of InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarksof Microsoft Corporation.Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Inc.The SDHC logo is a trademark.All other company and product names areregistered trademarks and/or trademarks of theirrespective owners.The standards for camera file systems referred toin this manual are the “Design rule for Camera Filesystem/DCF” standards stipulated by the JapanElectronics and Information Technology IndustriesAssociation (JEITA).THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THEAVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THEPERSONAL AND NONCOMMERCIAL USEOF A CONSUMER TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO INCOMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD (“AVCVIDEO”) AND/OR (ii) DECODE AVC VIDEO THATWAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGEDIN A PERSONAL AND NON-COMMERCIALACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM AVIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVCVIDEO. NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALLBE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONALINFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEGLA, L.L.C. SEE HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM••••••