70 ENRepresentations and warranties made by any person, includingbut not limited to dealers, representatives, salespersons, oragents of Olympus, which are inconsistent or in conflict withor in addition to the terms of this limited warranty, shall not bebinding upon Olympus unless reduced to writing and approvedby an expressly authorized officer of Olympus.This limited warranty is the complete and exclusive statement ofwarranty which Olympus agrees to provide with respect to theProducts and it shall supersede all prior and contemporaneousoral or written agreements, understandings, proposals, andcommunications pertaining to the subject matter hereof.This limited warranty is exclusively for the benefit of the originalcustomer and cannot be transferred or assigned.WHAT TO DO WHEN SERVICE IS NEEDEDThe customer must transfer any image or other data saved ona Product to another image or data storage medium and/orremove any film from the Product prior to sending the Product toOlympus for service.IN NO EVENT SHALL OLYMPUS BE RESPONSIBLE FORSAVING, KEEPING OR MAINTAINING ANY IMAGE OR DATASAVED ON A PRODUCT RECEIVED BY IT FOR SERVICE, ORON ANY FILM CONTAINED WITHIN A PRODUCT RECEIVED BYIT FOR SERVICE, NOR SHALL OLYMPUS BE RESPONSIBLEFOR ANY DAMAGES IN THE EVENT ANY IMAGE OR DATA ISLOST OR IMPAIRED WHILE SERVICE IS BEING PERFORMED(INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES,LOSS OF PROFITS OR LOSS OF USE), WHETHER OR NOTOLYMPUS SHALL BE OR SHOULD BE AWARE OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH POTENTIAL LOSS OR IMPAIRMENT.Package the Product carefully using ample padding material toprevent damage in transit and either deliver it to the AuthorizedOlympus Dealer that sold you the Product or ship it postageprepaid and insured to any of our Olympus Service Centers.When returning Products for service, your package shouldinclude the following:1 Sales receipt showing date and place of purchase.2 Copy of this limited warranty bearing the Product serialnumber corresponding to the serial number on theProduct (unless it is a model on which Olympus does notplace and record serial numbers).3 A detailed description of the problem.4 Sample prints, negatives, digital prints (or files on disk) ifavailable and related to the problem.When service is completed, the Product will be returned to youpostage prepaid.WHERE TO SEND PRODUCT FOR SERVICESee “WORLDWIDE WARRANTY” for the nearest service center.INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY SERVICEInternational warranty service is available under this warranty.For customers in EuropeFor customers in Europe“CE” mark indicates that this product complieswith the European requirements for safety,health, environment and customer protection.“CE” mark cameras are intended for sales inEurope.This symbol [crossed-out wheeled bin WEEEAnnex IV] indicates separate collection of wasteelectrical and electronic equipment in the EUcountries.Please do not throw the equipment into thedomestic refuse.Please use the return and collection systemsavailable in your country for the disposal ofthis product.This symbol [crossed-out wheeled binDirective 2006/66/EC Annex II] indicatesseparate collection of waste batteries in theEU countries.Please do not throw the batteries into thedomestic refuse. Please use the return andcollection systems available in your country forthe disposal of the waste batteries.