Y O U R C O N N E C T I O N S T O T H E W E B A N D W I R E L E S S D E V I C E SC O N N E C T I N G Y O U R C O M P U T E R T O T H E I N T E R N E T T H R O U G H Y O U R S M A R T P H O N E1245C H A P T E RClear cache on exit: Determineswhether the cache clears each time youexit the web browser.Set Proxy: Sets up a proxy server toaccess the Internet. If your connectionrequires a proxy server, please contactyour Internet service provider or ITadministrator for this information.6 Select OK.Connecting yourcomputer to theInternet throughyour smartphoneDial-up networking (DUN) is the featurethat converts your smartphone into amodem so that you can access the Internetfrom your computer. If your computer isenabled with Bluetooth wirelesstechnology, you can set up yoursmartphone as a wireless modem usingthe built-in Bluetooth technology.The following procedures describe theprocess of setting up your smartphone as awireless modem using the built-inBluetooth technology.Creating a partnership between yoursmartphone and your computer1 Make sure that your computer’sBluetooth setting is on and that yourcomputer is ready to create a Bluetoothpartnership. Check the documentationthat came with your computer to findand change these settings.2 On your smartphone, pressApplications and selectBluetooth .3 Select Bluetooth On if it is not alreadyselected, and then select SetupDevices.4 Select Trusted Devices.TIP If your computer is not enabled withBluetooth wireless technology, you need topurchase a wireless Bluetooth adapteraccessory for your computer to use thisfeature.