Y O U R A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N F O M A N A G E M E N T T O O L SS Y N C H R O N I Z I N G I N F O R M A T I O N — A D V A N C E D 1859C H A P T E RSynchronizinginformation—advancedNOTE If your computer is runningWindows Vista, visit www.palm.com/windowsvista for more information.Changing which applications syncBy default, information from Calendar,Contacts, Memos, Pictures & Videos, andTasks is updated each time yousynchronize your smartphone. You canchange which applications synchronize. Forexample, if you don’t use the Memosapplication and you want to speed upsynchronization, you can turn offsynchronization for Memos.WINDOWS ONLY1 Click HotSync ® manager in thetaskbar in the lower-right corner of yourscreen.2 Select Custom.3 Select your device name from the Userlist at the top of the screen.4 Select the application for which youwant to turn synchronization on or off,and then click Change.5 Select Synchronize the files to turn onsynchronization for an app.TIP If you do not select a category uponreceiving a beamed item, the item is placed inthe Unfiled category.TIP If you can’t receive beamed info, makesure that you are not running a third-party appthat disables beaming. If you still can’t receivea beam, try a soft reset (see Resetting yoursmartphone).DID YOU KNOW? You can store a beamed appon your smartphone or send it to an expansioncard inserted into the expansion card slot.TIP Windows If you set up your smartphoneto sync with Outlook, you can learn how tochange which applications synchronize, bydoing the following: Click the HotSyncmanager icon in the taskbar and selectCustom. Select a conduit that syncs withOutlook, click Change, and then click Help.