8Front panelQ SHUTTER buttonThis enables the operation of the shutter speedselector dial R.When using an electronic shutter, press this buttonto light it.R Shutter speed selector dialThis is used to select the shutter speed.(SYNCHRO SCAN), SV (SUPER V) or POS(POSITION) 1 to 6 can be selected as the speed.When the SHUTTER button Q is off, the shutterspeed will not change even when this dial is turned.The shutter speed for SV (SUPER V) or POS(POSITION) 1 to 6 can be set on the SHUTTERSELECT screen of the OPERATION page.S PAINTING ENABLE buttonThis enables color compensation (GAIN dial T andBLACK dial U).When lighted:Color compensation can be performed.When off:Color compensation cannot be performed.T GAIN dialThis is used to adjust the red (R) and blue (B) gain.U BLACK dialThis is used to adjust the red (R) and blue (B)pedestal (black level).SSParts and their functionsV AUTO IRIS buttonThis is used to set the auto iris function to ON orOFF.When lighted:The auto iris function is ON.When off:The auto iris function is OFF (manualadjustment).W IRIS dialWhen the AUTO IRIS button V is lighted, this addsor subtracts the value produced by turning the dialto or from the A.IRIS LEVEL value of the usermenu.When the AUTO IRIS button V is off, the irisadjustment is performed manually.Set the IRIS switch on the lens to the AUTOposition.X F-number display panelThe f-number of the lens is normally displayedhere.When the gain or filter is changed, the respectivevalue is displayed here for about two seconds.Each time the CHECK button [ is pressed, thedisplay changes by one step in the followingsequence: f-number 5 gain value 5 filter No. 5 f-number.[– – –] appears when the power of the camerarecorder is off.Y GAIN lampThis lights when the gain value is displayed on thef-number display panel X.Z FILTER lampThis lights when the filter number is displayed onthe f-number display panel X.[ CHECK buttonEach time this button is pressed, the display on thef-number display panel X changes by one step inthe following sequence: f-number 5 gain value 5filter No. 5 f-number.\ lampThis lights when the lens extenders (k2) are used.MONITOR CABLE LENGTHSET UP(PUSH) POS2POS1POS3POS4 PRSTPOS5SVSS POS6REW FF STOP PLAY CALLTALLYREC CHK START/STOPGAINGAINGAIN FILTERBLACKR BPAINTINGENABLEAUTO IRISCHECKM.PEDKNEE SLOPEGAMMADETAILKNEE POINTIRISSHUTTERWHITEBAL ABBABAUTO KNEEAWBVTR WARNINGBARVTRENABLE100m 50mCHROMAY/VIDEOPRPBPOWERPGMRCU CAMERAINTERCOM MICBBSPUSHCHROMAOFFOFFONONOFFONTUSWVZY\[ XRQ