32Table of adjustment setting rangesOperationMenu Item Adjustment setting range Initial value Items recorded on SD memory cardsVF Setting1Side Modu SW OFF, ON OFFNo switching from the SD memorycard to the camera settings possiblewhile the buildup unit is connected.Side Modu LVL 0 to 31 31No switching from the SD memorycard to the camera settings possiblewhile the buildup unit is connected.Zone Mark OFF, 4:3, 13:9, 14:9, 15:9, 16:9 OFFNo switching from the SD memorycard to the camera settings possiblewhile the buildup unit is connected.Safety Mark1 16:9, 15:9, 14:9, 13:9, 4:3, OFF OFF Safety Area1 80 %, 90 %, 93 %, 100 % 93 % Safety Mark2 16:9, 15:9, 14:9, 13:9, 4:3, OFF OFF Safety Area2 80 %, 90 %, 93 %, 100 % 80 % Center Mark OFF, ON OFF Center Mark SEL 1 to 4 1 Line Width 1 to 3 2 Marker Level 100 %, 75 %, 50 % 100 % VF Setting2 VF DTL 0 to 23 10 HD Peak FREQ12.4M, 12.5M, 12.7M, 12.9M, 13.0M, 13.3M,13.6M, 13.9M, 14.2M, 14.6M, 15.0M, 15.5M,16.1M, 16.7M, 17.3M, 18.0M, 18.6M, 18.8M,19.0M, 19.2M, 19.5M, 19.9M, 20.3M, 20.9M,21.5M, 22.4M, 23.6M, 25.4M, 28.6M, 37.1M12.4M HD Offset Gain 0 to 5 0 HD Crisp 0 to 63 0 D1 Peak FREQ 2.0M, 2.3M, 2.7M, 3.4M, 4.5M, 6.8M, 13M 6.8M D1 Offset Gain 0 to 5 0 D1 Crisp 0 to 63 0 VBS Peak FREQ 2.0M, 2.3M, 2.7M, 3.4M, 4.5M, 6.8M, 13M 6.8M VBS Offset Gain 0 to 5 0 VBS Crisp 0 to 63 0 Cursor Cursor OFF, ON OFF Cursor Memory ADJ, 1, 2, 1+2 ADJ H Position 0 to 255 127V Position 0 to 255 127Width 0 to 255 127Height 0 to 255 127BOX/CROSS BOX, CROSS BOXStore Memory MEM1, MEM2 MEM1EXECUTE NO?, YES? NO?VF Display1 F Number OFF, ON OFF Zoom OFF, ON OFF Focus OFF, ON OFF Extender OFF, ON OFF MONI OUT OFF, ON OFF Filter OFF, ON OFF M Gain OFF, ON OFF Shutter OFF, ON OFF 5600K OFF, ON OFF Audio Level OFF, ON OFF VF Display2 OPT Level OFF, ON OFF RET Select OFF, ON OFF Status OFF, ON OFF Status(AUTO) OFF, ON OFF Field Rate OFF, ON OFF Voltage OFF, ON OFF WFM (*1) OFF, ON OFF White CH OFF, ON OFF Setting1 FAN Power OFF, ON, AUTO ONFAN Mode LOW, NORM NORMCALL+R_TALLY OFF, ON OFF CALL+T_TALLY OFF, ON OFF PinP Mode — —*1: Waveforms are displayed as a single line at the center of the screen. They appear at the bottom right when theaspect ratio is set to 16:9, but when an aspect ratio of 4:3 is set on the viewfinder or when the side panel mode isselected by the down-converter, the waveform display will be cut off in part.