13Parts and their functions TO PAN/TILT HEAD 1/EXT terminal• Functions as the pan/tilt head’s connection terminal 1when the EXT CONTROL OUT is set to OFF on theEXTERNAL CONTROL OUT setting (see page 18).Connect a 10BASE-T straight cable (equivalent to UTPcategory 5) to the pan/tilt head’s IP/RP terminal.May be extended up to a maximum of 3,280 ft. (1,000 m).Use the RS-232C/RS-422 converter and connectto pan/tilt head’s RS-232C control terminal whenconnecting to the AW-PH300, AW-PH300A, AW-PH500or AW-PH600.• Functions as the AW-DU600 dial up adapter’s connectionterminal when the EXT CONTROL OUT is set to ON onthe EXTERNAL CONTROL OUT setting (see page 18).Connect a 10BASE-T straight cable (equivalent to UTPcategory 5) to the AW-DU600’s PAN/TILT CONTROL INterminal. May be extended up to a maximum of 3,280 ft.(1,000 m).For more details, refer to the operating instructionsof the dial up adapter AW-DU600. Use the followingterms instead:• AW-RP605 AW-RP555• EXTERNAL CONTROL OUT terminal TO PAN/TILT HEAD 1/EXT terminal• There are no software version restrictions for this unitin systems with AW-DU600. TO PAN/TILT HEAD 2 to 5 terminal• Functions as the pan/tilt head’s connection terminals2 to 5 when EXT CONTROL OUT is set to OFF on theEXTERNAL CONTROL OUT setting (see page 18).Connect a 10BASE-T straight cable (equivalent to UTPcategory 5) to the pan/tilt head’s IP/RP terminal.May be extended up to a maximum of 3,280 ft. (1,000 m).Use the RS-232C/RS-422 converter and connectto pan/tilt head’s RS-232C control terminal whenconnecting to the AW-PH300, AW-PH300A, AW-PH500or AW-PH600.• Cannot be used when the EXT CONTROL OUT is setto ON on the EXTERNAL CONTROL OUT setting (seepage 18). MONITOR SELECT terminalConnect a 10BASE-T straight cable (equivalent to UTPcategory 5) to the AW-RC400 cable compensationunit’s MONI SEL IN terminal. May be extended up to amaximum of 164 ft. (50 m).The video signal from the pan/tilt head system connectedto the input terminal, whose number is selected on thisunit, will be sent from the AW-RC400’s MONITOR 1, 2terminals.TALLY5TALLY3TALLY1TALLY2TALLY4TALLY GNDR5 4 3 2 1/EXTSTALLY INREMOTE/SERVICETO PAN/TILT HEAD MONITOR SELECTDC12V INGND