9Parts and their functions H/F buttonThis sets the heater/fan function ON or OFF when a pan/tilt head (AW-PH600/AW-PH650) equipped with a heater/fan function is used in the pan/tilt head system currentlyselected.Each time it is pressed, the function is turned ON or OFFin turn.When the heater/fan is ON, the button’s lamp comes on;when it is OFF, the heater/fan goes off. EXT (AF) buttonIf a lens with an extender function is used in the selectedpan/tilt head system, the extender function is set from ONto OFF or vice versa each time the EXT (AF) button ispressed.If a lens (AW-LZ16AF7G) with an AF function is used inthe selected pan/tilt head system, the AF function of thelens is set from ON to OFF or vice versa each time theEXT (AF) button is pressed.In either case, the button lamp is lighted at the ONsetting, and it is extinguished at the OFF setting. This button can be used to turn the AF function ON orOFF only when the AW-PH350/AW-PH360/AW-PH650pan/tilt head is connected.When the pan/tilt head is not used and only the camerais connected, select ON or OFF using the menu item. ND buttonThis sets the ND filter function ON or OFF when a lensequipped with an ND filter function is used in the pan/tilthead system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the function is turned ON or OFFin turn.When the ND filter is ON, the button’s lamp comes on;when it is OFF, the lamp goes off. OP buttonThis controls the short- or open-circuiting of the OPTIONSW CONTROL OUT connector of the AC adapter(AW-PS300A) which is connected to the pan/tilt headsystem currently selected.Each time it is pressed, short-circuiting or open-circuitingis selected in turn.When the connector is short-circuited, the button’s lampcomes on; when it is open-circuited, the lamp goes off. LAMP buttonThis controls the ON and OFF of the halogen lampwhich is connected to the pan/tilt head system currentlyselected.Each time it is pressed, the lamp is turned ON or OFF inturn.When the halogen lamp is ON, the button’s lamp comeson; when it is OFF, the lamp goes off.It flashes when the halogen lamp has not beenconnected or when the lamp has been disconnected orsome other problem has occurred. SPEED buttonThis is used to select the control (pan, tilt, zoom, focus,iris) speed of the pan/tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the high-speed mode orlow-speed mode is selected in turn.The button’s lamp comes on in the low-speed mode, andit remains off in the high-speed mode.By pressing the SPEED button while holding downthe MEMORY button, it is possible to set whether thehigh-speed mode or low-speed mode is to be selectedwhen the power is turned on (or at OPERATE ON).1LEVEL IRISOPERATECAMCONT2 3 4ATW ITEMDEF WIP H/F(AF)EXTLAMPND OPSCENE FILEPRESETMENUYES NOBASHUTTERMODEGAIN52ONOFFONOFF3 4 5ABCMEMORYMENUMulti Hybrid Control Panel AW-RP555AWCOKNGWHT BAL321USERTALLYCONTROLHIGHLOW TELEWIDEFARLEFT RIGHTUPDOWNNEARMANUAUTOSPEED ZOOM FOCUS PAN/TILT1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10MANUAUTO0dBLHCAMBAR