17Main Menu (continued)MARKERThe underlined values are factory preset setting values.Sub menu Settings ExplanationMARKER OFF∗1ONUsed to make MARKER settings effective.16:9∗2∗3 OFF4:313:914:9CNSCOVISTA95%93%90%88%80%Used to select/display the type of marker when the aspect ratio settingis 16:9. Marker not displayed.<4:3> 4:3 marker <13:9> 13:9 marker<14:9> 14:9 marker CNSCO marker VISTA marker <95%> 95% Area marker<93%> 93% Area marker <90%> 90% Area marker<88%> 88% Area marker <80%> 80% Area marker4:3∗2 OFF95%93%90%88%80%Used to select/display the type of 4:3 marker. Marker not displayed.<95%> 95% Area marker <93%> 93% Area marker<90%> 90% Area marker <88%> 88% Area marker<80%> 80% Area markerBACK∗2 NORMALHALFBLACKUsed to select the background brightness excluding the marker. Normal background Background brightness 50% Background brightness 0% (Black)CENTER∗2 OFFONUsed to display the center marker. Not displayed DisplayedGPI PRESET1∗4 4:313:914:9CNSCOVISTA95% (16:9)93% (16:9)90% (16:9)88% (16:9)80% (16:9)95% (4:3)93% (4:3)90% (4:3)88% (4:3)80% (4:3)GPI PRESET1: Used to select the marker to be displayed using theGPI terminal “MARKER1 ON/OFF” operation (→ page 31).GPI PRESET2: Used to select the marker to be displayed using theGPI terminal “MARKER2 ON/OFF” operation (→ page 31).<4:3> 4:3 marker<13:9> 13:9 marker<14:9> 14:9 marker CNSCO marker VISTA marker<95% (16:9)> 95% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 16:9.<93% (16:9)> 93% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 16:9.<90% (16:9)> 90% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 16:9.<88% (16:9)> 88% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 16:9.<80% (16:9)> 80% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 16:9.<95% (4:3)> 95% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 4:3.<93% (4:3)> 93% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 4:3.<90% (4:3)> 90% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 4:3.<88% (4:3)> 88% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 4:3.<80% (4:3)> 80% Area marker when the aspect ratio is 4:3.GPI PRESET2∗4• The marker is not displayed during VF line operation.• The marker display size is the display size of a camera-recorder, and so is smaller than the previous model (BT-LH900A).∗1 The setting becomes “ON” when the unit receives marker-related control during REMOTE operation. (Prioritygoes to GPI when GPI settings exist.)∗2 When controlling the marker settings using the GPI function (→ page 31), these settings become disabled.∗3 These are only enabled when the HD signal and SD signal aspect ratio settings are 16:9.∗4 When the HD signal and SD signal aspect ratio setting is 16:9, a 4:3 marker is displayed in the center 4:3area.