Do not touch the terminals on thebattery pack. The battery pack mayno longer function properly if thecontacts are dirty or damaged.Do not expose the battery pack towater, or allow it to become wet.If the battery pack will not be usedfor a long period of time (a month ormore), charge or discharge (use) thebattery pack until the remaining bat-tery level becomes 30% to 40% andstore it in a cool, dry place.This wireless display prevents over-charging of the battery by rechargingonly when the remaining power isless than approx. 95% of capacity.The battery pack is not chargedwhen the wireless display is first pur-chased. Be sure to charge it beforeusing it for the first time. When theAC adaptor is connected to the wire-less display, charging begins auto-matically.Should the battery leak and the fluidget into your eyes, do not rub youreyes. Immediately flush your eyeswith clear water and see a doctor formedical treatment as soon as possi-ble.NOTENOTEThe battery pack may become warmduring recharging or normal use.This is completely normal.Recharging will not commence ifinternal temperature of the batterypack is outside of the allowable tem-perature range (0 °C to 45 °C {32°Fto 122°F}). Once the allowable rangerequirement is satisfied, chargingbegins automatically. Note that therecharging time varies based on theusage conditions. (Recharging takeslonger than usual when the tempera-ture is 10 °C {50°F} or below.)If the temperature is low, the operat-ing time is shortened. Only use theequipment within the allowable tem-perature range.The battery pack is a consumableitem. If the amount of time the equip-ment can be run by using a particularbattery pack becomes dramaticallyshorter and repeated rechargingdoes not restore its performance, thebattery pack should be replaced witha new one.When transporting a spare batteryinside a package, briefcase, etc., it isrecommended that it be placed in aplastic bag so that its contacts areprotected.Always power off the equipmentwhen it is not in use. Leaving theequipment on when the AC adaptoris not connected will exhaust theremaining battery capacity.Stop UsingShould the battery emitan abnormal odor,become hot to the touch,become discolored,change shape, orbecome in any way dif-ferent from normal,remove it from the wire-less display and stopusing it.4