97Dealing with Problems (Advanced)The green indicator blinks z In high temperature mode, the battery is discharging to the level that corre-sponds to an 80% *1 charge for normal temperature mode. Do not remove thebattery pack while the battery indicator is blinking green or the power will beturned off forcibly.*1 In high temperature mode, the level that corresponds to an 80% charge for normaltemperature mode is displayed as [100%].The battery indicator blinks green andorange alternatelyz Warming up the system to prevent hard disk drive malfunctions at lowtemperature. Leave your computer as is. Once the allowable temperature rangerequirement is satisfied, your computer will start automatically.The orange indicator blinks z Battery cannot be recharged temporarily because the internal temperature ofthe battery pack is outside of the acceptable temperature range for recharging.Once the allowable range requirement is satisfied, charging beginsautomatically. Your computer can be used normally in this state. KeyboardOnly numbers can be inputted z Check whether the indicator is on. If it is on, the computer is in ten-keykeyboard mode. To disable the ten-key mode, press NumLk.Only capital letters are being input z Check whether the indicator is on. If it is on, the computer is in Caps Lockmode. To disable the Caps Lock mode, press Caps Lock.How to input European characters (ß,à, ç etc.), symbols or Euro currencysymbol is unclearz Display the character map and point to the desired font name, such asEuropean fonts, and select it with the following procedure.Select [start] - [All Programs] - [Accessories] - [System Tools] - [CharacterMap].When you want to use the keyboard inthe Tablet modez Use the Tablet PC Input Panel (refer to the Windows Help). Display RotationThe display is not rotatedautomatically by switching from Laptopmode to Tablet mode, or vice versaz Confirm that the default angle of each mode is correctly set.(Î page 26)z Do not switch from Laptop mode to Tablet mode, or vice versa, while Windowsis in the process of switching users with the Fast User Switching function.When the screensaver starts while thedisplay is rotated, nothing is displayedon the screenz Some screensaver types do not display anything on the screen for the firstminute or so. Try changing the screensaver type. Battery Indicator