3-167Control of 2WAY SYSTEM1234567898. Intelligent Controller (CZ-256ESMC2)746 Using the SystemWhile this message is visible, no other operations can be performed except OK and Cancel .Touch OK to perform cut-off processing with the system in the state before the change.Touch Cancel if you do not need to perform cut-off processing.Touch OK to check the new con¿guration.If you select OK here, the current system con¿guration isre-checked and the results are con¿rmed.If you do not need to do this, select Cancel .If the system has changed because of a mistake, return the system to its former state and thentouch Cancel . You should also touch Cancel here if you mistakenly selected Cancel in theprevious message, even though the system cut-off processing should have been done. Thisreturns you to the ¿rst alarm message, where you can perform cut-off processing.While this message is visible, no other operations can be performed except OK and Cancel .6.9 System Con¿guration ChangesAn alarm message like the following appears when a system con¿guration change (or thepossibility of a con¿guration change) is detected.If the system continues to operate after its con¿guration has changed, distribution ratios and otherdata will be totally inaccurate. For this reason, cut-off processing must be done with the systemin the state before the change. The following message is displayed to ask you to con¿rm theprocessing.Operation procedure for each case is as follows.6.9.1 When a system con¿guration change detectedThis alarm message is displayed in cases such as the following.1 “Check system Con¿guration” was made after removingthe outdoor and indoor units.2 “Check system Con¿guration” was made after starting theunit and found that it was different from the previous onein con¿guration.* “Con¿guration” includes not only the number of units andaddress but also indoor unit capacity, main/sub unit setting,and presence/absence of an electric heater.Here you can see the link system where the con¿guration hasbeen changed.756 Using the SystemThis alarm message is displayed in cases such as thefollowing.1 The following “Detailed settings” were made from a localremote controller.(for address, extension settings, indoor unit capacity, orpresence/abesnce of an electric heater)2 Only con¿rmation of “Detailed setting” was made from alocal remote controller.3 Automatic address setting was carried out for an indooror outdoor unit.4 An additional indoor or outdoor unit was installed.* “Con¿guration” includes not only the number of units andaddress but also indoor unit capacity, main/sub unit setting,and presence/absence of an electric heater.While this message is visible, no other operations can be performed except Do later. orDo now. .When touching Do later. , this window closes and other screen operations are made possible.However, after a while the message will be displayed again.Touch Do now. to con¿rm whether the con¿guration has been actually changed.When a con¿guration change was detected as a result of con¿guration con¿rmation, cut-offprocessing is automatically performed and the post-variation con¿guration is established. Whenthere is no change in con¿guration, the screen exits con¿guration con¿rmation processing.For example, imprudently pressing Do now. while a communication error message is displayedwill result in an automatic cut-off processing to establish the current con¿guration. Therefore,take full care to avoid such a mistake.When establishing a con¿guration without making cut-off processing, press Do later. to onceclose the screen and perform “Check system Con¿guration” using the 6-9 screen.After this, proceed “Perform cut-off?” ¤ “Cancel” ¤ “Con¿rm the current system con¿guration?”¤“OK” in accordance with “6.9.1. When a system con¿guration change detected”.When no operation has been made on this screen for twelve hours or more, cut-off and post-variation con¿guration ¿xing processing are automatically carried out.CautionImprudent cut-off processing and con¿guration ¿xing or neglecting them when necessary maycause a signi¿cant inconvenience in control.When this alarm message is displayed, do not operate the system and contact the store whereyou purchased it or its service agency.This message may be displayed also in inspecting the air conditioner. In such a case inform theperson in charge of service of the fact.6.9.2 When system con¿guration may change