42FUNCTIONS Selection MenuSETUPTo OthersFUNCTIONSTuning Edit Profiles ENTERSETUPDiscPictureSoundDisplayConnectionOthersEdit ProfilesAuto-Setup RestartTuning DigitalAdd New DVB ServiceManualDownload from TVAnalogueSignal Quality11 BBC NEWS 247 BBC CHOICE17 BBC110 BBC FOUR12 CBBC2 BBC TWO1 BBC ONE45 BB ParlamentTO STORE, PRESS ENTERJUMPRETURN Page -Profile SelectEdit ProfilesSELECTAddAll Services PROFILE 113 CBEEBIES2 BBC TWO1 BBC ONE17 BBC110 BBC FOURvvPage +11 BBC NEWS 247 BBC CHOICE17 BBC110 BBC FOUR12 CBBC2 BBC TWO1 BBC ONE45 BB ParlamentEdit ProfilesAll Services13 CBEEBIES2 BBC TWO1 BBC ONE17 BBC110 BBC FOURInsert DeleteProfile ListABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+-. ‚0123456789TO STORE, PRESS ENTERSELECTCHANGE CHAR.PROFILE 111 BBC NEWS 247 BBC CHOICE17 BBC110 BBC FOUR12 CBBC2 BBC TWO1 BBC ONE45 BB ParlamentEdit ProfilesAll Services PROFILE 113 CBEEBIES2 BBC TWO1 BBC ONE17 BBC110 BBC FOURMove Delete Delete AllProfile NameCreating profilesYou can create four different profiles, in which you can sort and save your desiredchannels for the TV GUIDE.! Select [Edit Profiles] and confirm with ENTER.The Edit Profiles menu appears.! Press the GREEN button to select one of the 4 profiles.! Use to jump back and forth between the two tables.! To edit a new profile, use to go to the left side of the table and press the GREENbutton.! Use to select the desired station and press the YELLOW button.! The station is inserted into the profile.! To insert additional stations, press the YELLOW button again.! Press ENTER to save the setting.! Select a new profile and press the BLUE button.All channels are inserted into the profile.Inserting all available channels into the profile.Inserting individual channels into the profile.! Select a new profile.Editing the profileUse the GREEN button to select a profile. To edit the profile, press .! Press the RED button to change the profile name.The letter to be changed is highlighted in red.! Use to select the desired letters from the row of characters below and use to goto the next letter to be changed.! To change other profile names, repeat the procedure and save with ENTER.Profile Name! Use to select a station in the profile.! To move the station, press the GREEN button.The station is highlighted in red.Move! Use the YELLOW button to delete the station.DeleteDelete All! Press the BLUE button to delete all stations from the profile.! Confirm all settings with ENTER.! Use to select the desired position and press the GREEN button again.The station is inserted.! Use the GREEN button to add a space and use the YELLOW button to delete letters.! Confirm with ENTER.Page - vvPage +TO STORE, PRESS ENTERJUMPRETURNSELECT