I Enjoying Virtual SurroundSound- ,..,, --,,,_,,,_,,_r.....,, , ,,r,,.......... , _'S'S'!_• -" _(_)ZIDUse this feature to enjoy a surround-like effect if you are using twospeakers or hea Iphones. Thi_ _ using Dolby Digi _1with two oV.S.S.mode Press [V.S.S ] to selecthe V.S.S. le fel.One of the V.S._. modeindicators lights./[DISPLAY] karaoke discs "• Turn V.S.S c when using• -- [MENU] lTOP MENU] Sound will on come fromJoysUck R_P_\ m[AUO,,/ Enjoy,ngV.''.throogh's_p . ,su0w_ . Press [DISf .AY] to shov/ select them _.S. icon.(_ Page 2.= or more det_| The 'PHONS" V.S.S. incbuttons _lsethe sound ore the spe_TO get the I ,ost from \___._i_l Situateyou.e.,nfron[v.s.,'times the dis nee betweeland right fror speakers._.S.S. 1 and ! effectsthey are furtSPEAKERS speaker ch_| _i_ / it, then sc/ c°mefr°msurroundbeing used.PHONESspeakers or headphones. This effect only works with DVD recordedusing Dolby Digital with two or more channelsPress [V.S.S.] to select ,,"",- =,,,,_the V.S.S. level. _ -:,_, 1 /IOne of the V.S.S. mode IEach time you press the button:VSS 1 -" VSS 2 _ VSS OFF [cancel)I• V.SS does not work with DVD recorded in one channel or withkaraoke discs.• Turn V.S.S off when using more than just the two front speakers.Sound will only come from the two front speakers if V.S.S. 1 or 2I Enjoying V.S,S. through headphones1. Press [DISPLAY] to show the GUI screen on the television andselect the V.S.S. icon.2. Select the headphone mode.(_ Page 25 for more details)The "PHONES" V.S.S. indicator lights when V.S,S. is on.Restore SPEAKERS mode when you are not using headphones orelse the sound from the speakers will sound strange.JTo get the most from V.S.S. ' _-'Situate yourself in front of thetelevision approximately 3 to 4times the distance between the leftand rightfront speakers._ isteningpositionV.S.S. 1 and 2 effectsV.S.S. 1 V.S.S. 2The front speakers sound likethey are further apart.If the disc has surround The V.S.S. 1speaker channels recorded on effects areit, then sound appears to broadened.come from the sides even ifsurround speakers aren'tSound appears to come fromleft and right front speakers.i_F4The V.S.S. 1effect isbroadened.VQT8354