17RQTC0118∫ “AUDIO” menu∫ “DISPLAY” menu∫ “OTHERS” menu§1 Language options[The\United\Kingdom,\Republic\of\Ireland,\Australia\and\N.Z.]:FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SWEDISH, DUTCH and POLISH[The\Middle\East\and\South\Africa]:FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, RUSSIAN, HUNGARIAN, CZECH and POLISH[Asia]: CHINESE TRAD.§2 The original language designed on the disc is selected.§3 Input a code number referring to the table (➜ 18).§4 If the language selected for “AUDIO” is not available, subtitles appear in thatlanguage (If available on the disc).§5 [The\United\Kingdom\and\Republic\of\Ireland]§6 [Australia\and\N.Z.]§7 [The\Middle\East\and\South\Africa]§8 [Asia]SETTING STATE Display the current setting of the items belowPCM OUTPUTCheck the digital inputlimitations of theequipment you connectusing COAXIAL terminaland select the maximumsampling frequency ofPCM digital output.UP TO 48 kHz:When connected to equipment compatible with44.1 or 48 kHzUP TO 96 kHz:When connected to equipment compatible with88.2 or 96 kHz≥ Signals from copy-protected discs are converted to48 or 44.1 kHz.≥ Some equipment cannot handle samplingfrequencies of 88.2 kHz, even if they can handle 96kHz. Read your equipment’s operating instructions fordetails.DOLBY DIGITALWith COAXIALconnections (➜ 7)BITSTREAMPCMSelect “BITSTREAM” when theequipment can decode the bitstream(digital form of multi-channel data).Otherwise, select “PCM”. (If thebitstream is output to the equipmentwithout a decoder, high levels ofnoise can be output and maydamage your speakers and hearing.)DTSWith COAXIALconnections (➜ 7)BITSTREAMPCMMPEG§5, 6, 7With COAXIALconnections (➜ 7)BITSTREAMPCMDYNAMIC RANGE ON: Adjusts for clarity even when the volume is lowthrough compressing the range of the lowestsound level and the highest sound level.Convenient for late night viewing. (Only workswith DOLBY DIGITAL)OFFSETTING STATE Display the current setting of the items belowLANGUAGE §5, 6 ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL DEUTSCHITALIANO SVENSKA NEDERLANDS POLSKI§7 ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL DEUTSCHРYCCKNЙ MAGYAR ČESKY POLSKI§8 ENGLISHSETTING STATE Display the current setting of the items belowREGISTRATIONDisplays the unit’sregistration code.You need this registration code to purchase and play DivXVideo-on-Demand (VOD) content.Select “SHOW CODE” and press [ENTER].(➜ 18, About DivX VOD content)JPEG TIME To change the slideshow timing1 SEC to 15 SEC (in 1 unit)15 SEC to 60 SEC (in 5 unit)60 SEC to 180 SEC (in 30 unit)≥ “3 SEC” is the factory preset.FL DIMMERChanges thebrightness of theunit’s display.BRIGHTDIMAUTO: The display is dimmed, but brightens only when youperform some operations.AUTO POWER OFF ON: The unit switches to standby mode after about 30minutes in the stop mode.OFFQUICK SETUP Select “SET” and press [ENTER].DEFAULTSThis returns allvalues in the setupmenus to the defaultsettings.Select “RESET” and press [ENTER].The password screen is shown if “RATINGS” (➜ 16) is set.Please enter the same password with the numbered buttons,then press [ENTER], then turn the unit off and on again.Changing the player settings