33RQT6984EditingRepeat to erase other scenes.Press [3, 4] toselect “Exit”and press[ENTER].The new scene isinserted before thehighlighted scene.Press [3, 4] to select “Next” and press [ENTER].(Repeat to add other scenes.)Repeat to move other scenes.Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select the placewhere you want to move the scene toand press [ENTER].The scene is moved and inserted before thehighlighted scene.[Note]The play list itself is erased ifyou erase all the scenes in it.∫ Add∫ Erase∫ Re-edit∫ MovePLAY LISTRe-edit Scenes0 : 00 . 05Start EndStart1EndNextExitScene No.0 : 02 . 08RETURNENTERSELECT0 : 02 . 083 3PLAY LIST No.301PLAY LISTAdd Scenes0 : 00 . 05Start End3Start5EndNextExitScene No.0 : 00 . 05RETURNENTERSELECT--:--.--PLAY01PLAY LIST No.3 DinosaurPress [3, 4, 2, 1]to select the placewhere you want toadd the scene andpress [ENTER].Press [ENTER]at the start pointof the scene.Press [ENTER]at the end pointof the scene.Press [3, 4, 2, 1]to select the sceneand press [ENTER].Press [3, 4, 2, 1]to select the sceneand press [ENTER].Press [ENTER] atthe start point ofthe scene.PLAYPrev.[Note]≥ Use [6], [5] and slow-motion (➜ page 20) to find the start and end points.≥ You cannot specify an end point before a start point.≥ You may not be able to specify points within 3 seconds of each other.≥ Play pauses if the end of the last program is reached during this procedure.≥ You cannot edit still picture images.≥ Depending on the state of recording, the actual number of play lists or scenes that canbe recorded may be less than that specified in this manual.≥ The picture illustration on the right may be shown in the HDD play list scene display.This picture illustration indicates pictures that are permitted to be recorded only once.(➜ page 29, Recording limits)Erase ScenesYes NoErase this scene?RETURNENTERSELECT(maximum of 999 scenes)Press [3, 4] to select “Prev.” or “ Next” and press[ENTER]. (Repeat to re-edit other scenes.)Press [3, 4] toselect “Exit”and press[ENTER].The re-editedscene replaces theold one.Press [ENTER]at the end pointof the scene.Press [2] to select“Yes” and press[ENTER].The selected scene iserased from the playlist.Press [3, 4,2, 1] to selectthe scene andpress [ENTER].Once a scene has beenerased, it is irretrievable.Check carefully beforeproceeding.001DVDDVD