7You can also switch on the unit from Standby mode using the PLAY , GUIDE, DIRECT NAVIGATOR, PROG/CHECK or VIDEO Plus+ buttons.Display subtitles DVD: TIME SLIP = Select the time frame.Launch the ServiceDigital TEXTVHS: JET REW = Jet rewind to thebeginning of the tape.ENTER/OK = Select or savea setting.= Frame or slow-motion playback.Remote ControlTVDRIVESELECTVIDEO Plus+AVCH VOLUME+_5: 0 5 15: 510 50 5100 505:15:15:0 51005: DELETECHTRACKING/V-LOCK/PAGE+-DVD/VHSDVD: Picture and sound settings.SUB MENUSCREATECHAPTERMANUAL SKIPTIME SLIPDISPLAYJET REWRECREC MODE DIRECT TV RECEXT LINKPROG/CHECKRETURN2628522926282828433533492653313199202621 70282732STOP PAUSEPLAYSKIP/INDEXSLOW/SEARCHREW FFINPUTSELECTRESET‹TCINONUFSIDUEGENTEROKANTCVGIEARITDORVCDMP3JPEGJPEG99269925TEXTSTTLDVD/VHSAVCH VOLUME+_TVVIDEO Plus+DELETESKIP/INDEXSLOW/SEARCHSTOP PAUSE PLAYSUB MENUSRETURNCREATECHAPTER MANUAL SKIPREC REC MODESTTLTEXTDIRECT TV RECEXT LINKTIME SLIPDISPLAYDVD/TVTCINONUFSIDUEGENTEROKDRIVESELECTCHTRACKING/V-LOCK/PAGE1 2 34 5 67 8 90 INPUTSELECTPROG/CHECKREW+-RESETFF‹JET REWANTCVGIEARITDORPress to switch the unit from on tostandby mode or vice versa. Instandby mode, the unit is stillconsuming a small amount of power.Delete a function.SKIP = Skip chapters, titles orpictures.Stop a recording or playback.Standby/on switchDRIVE SELECTSelect the DVD, VHS or SD drive.Direct entry using the number buttonsSelection of channels, title numbers, etc.Pause a recording or playback.Switch the TV on and off.Select the AV input on the TV set.CH = Select the programme position on theTV set.VOLUME = TV volume control.CH = Programme selection buttonPAGE = Page in the electronic TV Guide.Select button to switch AV input between tuner,A1, A2, A3 (Front), A4 and DV.SLOW .SEARCH Search during playback.= Slow-motion playback=PLAY: Start playback.Delete a title.GUIDE Launch the TV Guide.=DIRECT NAVIGATOR = Launch the Title View.Return to the previous menu.FUNCTIONS .= Launch the selection menuCheck or change a Timer RecordingRecord mode button(XP, SP, LP, EP) Direct TV recording.Recording. Timer Recording with externalrecording control.Launch the sub-menu.Direction buttons in the menu guide.Select groups or titles.VHS: Stop jet rewind.Press for more than 3 seconds toeject the cassette.VHS: INDEX = Find the beginning of arecording.VHS: Press and hold for more than 2 secondsfor slow-motion playback.VHS: REWFFREWFF= Jet rewind= Fast forward from STOP mode.= Rewind= Forward search during playback.VHS: Playback or repeat playbackVHS: RESET = Reset the tape counter.VHS: TRACKING/V-LOCK+/- = Optimise theplayback picture.RAM 9927: You can increase theplayback speed.Quick ViewVIDEO Plus+ Record menuRED button: menu guide (Profile,GUIDE, Digital TEXT, Manual Tuning)GREEN button: menu guide(Profile, GUIDE, Digital TEXT)YELLOW button: menu guide(Profile, GUIDE, Digital TEXT)DVD: Dividing a recording into chapters.BLUE button: menu guide (Profile, GUIDE,Digital TEXT)DVD: Jump forward 30 seconds.Select the banner and informationabout the programme, also in theTV Guide.