CPU types40 FP0R User's ManualPrecision of clock/calendarAmbient temperature Error0°C <104s/month25°C <51s/month55°C <155s/month2.5.1 Backup functionAdditional hold areas which will be saved with a backup battery (FP0R-T32)or with the built-in FRAM (FP0R-F32) can be specified for the followingmemory areas: Timers/Counter (T/C) Internal flags (R) Data registers (DT) Step laddersPrograms and system register settings will be held in the internal ROM re-gardless of the built-in backup battery.Specifying hold areasIf no settings are made in system registers 6 to 14, the default addressranges will be saved when the PLC is turned off. To save additional holdareas, follow the procedure below.1. Double-click "PLC" in the navigator2. Double-click "System registers"3. Double-click "Hold on/off"NOTICEIf the battery is empty the data values in the hold area will become indefiniteduring power-off. They are cleared to 0 the next time the power is turned on.We recommend adding a program for checking if the data is set to 0 when thepower is turned on the next time.P r o c e d u r e