5.2 Error Codes and How to Handle Them5-115.2.5 When Connected to PLC Made by Omron CorporationCode no. Error Cause and solutionER0001Cannot be executed due tooperation mode.(The PLC received a commandthat cannot be executed n theoperation mode.)Change the PLC mode from operation to monitor mode.ER0010Data errorA data error occurred duringcommunication.Check for errors in the communication conditions settings.ER0012 Overrun errorThe GT cannot receive data. PLC runaway might be the problem.ER0015Numerical data errorDesignated read/write area iswrong.Verify the basic communication area and whether the referencedevices used for each part are in a readable or writable area.- Error codes other than these codes are based on Omron PLC error codes.- Be sure to use the PLC in monitor mode. Otherwise, communication does not work properly.5.2.6 When Connected to ModbusCode no. Error Cause and solution**0001Time up errorThere is no response from thePLC.The connection between the GT and PLC may not be correct.Check the wiring of the connection cable and check fordisconnection. Also, there may be a temporary error due to noise,etc. Re-supply power to the PLC and GT.**ERFEResponse errorAn abnormal response wasreturned from the externaldevice.Check the data to be returned from the external device.5.2.7 When Connected to PLC Made by Toshiba Machine Co., Ltd.Code no. Error Cause and solutionERFFFE Parameter error The specified parameter does not exist, or it cannot be used.