36Data register Name Unit Kind of data Range R/WDT13900+50*(MM-1)Monthly max. datecurrent① - Unsigned 16bit Higher Loweryy:00H to 99H, mm:01H to 12H RDT13900+50*(MM-1)+1Monthly max. timecurrent① - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowerdd:01H to 31H, hh:00H to 23H RDT13900+50*(MM-1)+2Monthly max. timecurrent① - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowermin,:00H to 59H, ss:00H to 59H RDT13900+50*(MM-1)+3 Monthly max.current① 0.001A Unsigned 32bit 0 to 999999999 RDT13900+50*(MM-1)+4DT13905+50*(MM-1)Monthly max. datecurrent② - Unsigned 16bit Higher Loweryy:00H to 99H, mm:01H to 12H RDT13905+50*(MM-1)+1Monthly max. timecurrent② - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowerdd:01H to 31H, hh:00H to 23H RDT13905+50*(MM-1)+2Monthly max. timecurrent② - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowermin,:00H to 59H, ss:00H to 59H RDT13905+50*(MM-1)+3 Monthly max.current② 0.001A Unsigned 32bit 0 to 999999999 RDT13905+50*(MM-1)+4DT13910+50*(MM-1)Monthly max. datecurrent③ - Unsigned 16bit Higher Loweryy:00H to 99H, mm:01H to 12H RDT13910+50*(MM-1)+1Monthly max. timecurrent③ - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowerdd:01H to 31H, hh:00H to 23H RDT13910+50*(MM-1)+2Monthly max. timecurrent③ - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowermin,:00H to 59H, ss:00H to 59H RDT13910+50*(MM-1)+3 Monthly max.current③ 0.001A Unsigned 32bit 0 to 999999999 RDT13910+50*(MM-1)+4DT13915+50*(MM-1)Monthly max. datecurrent phaseN - Unsigned 16bit Higher Loweryy:00H to 99H, mm:01H to 12H RDT13915+50*(MM-1)+1Monthly max. timecurrentphaseN - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowerdd:01H to 31H, hh:00H to 23H RDT13915+50*(MM-1)+2Monthly max. timecurrentphaseN - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowermin,:00H to 59H, ss:00H to 59H RDT13915+50*(MM-1)+3 Monthly max.currentphaseN 0.001A Unsigned 32bit 0 to 999999999 RDT13915+50*(MM-1)+4DT13920+50*(MM-1)Monthly max. datecurrent average - Unsigned 16bit Higher Loweryy:00H to 99H, mm:01H to 12H RDT13920+50*(MM-1)+1Monthly max. timecurrent average - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowerdd:01H to 31H, hh:00H to 23H RDT13920+50*(MM-1)+2Monthly max. timecurrent average - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowermin,:00H to 59H, ss:00H to 59H RDT13920+50*(MM-1)+3 Monthly max.current average 0.001A Unsigned 32bit 0 to 999999999 RDT13920+50*(MM-1)+4DT13925+50*(MM-1)Monthly min. datecurrent① - Unsigned 16bit Higher Loweryy:00H to 99H, mm:01H to 12H RDT13925+50*(MM-1)+1Monthly min. timecurrent① - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowerdd:01H to 31H, hh:00H to 23H RDT13925+50*(MM-1)+2Monthly min. timecurrent① - Unsigned 16bit Higher Lowermin,:00H to 59H, ss:00H to 59H RDT13925+50*(MM-1)+3 Monthly min.current① 0.001A Unsigned 32bit 0 to 999999999 RDT13925+50*(MM-1)+4*MM means ‘1 to 12’ for month, January to December.Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: info@clrwtr.com