“VOX”: Unlimited“1–9”: 1 minute to 9 minutesIf you are using the unit with ananswering machine, set the ringcount to more than 5.This setting can be changed whenthe unit is in TAD/FAX mode.l See page 54 for details.Features Summary67Basic features!Programming tableCode#01 To set the date and timeSET DATE & TIME mm/dd/yyhh:mm(2 digits foreach entry)See page 15 for details.See pages 16 and 17 for details.See page 18 for details.“ERROR”: The sending report willbe printed only when faxtransmission fails.“ON”: The sending report will beprinted after every transmission.#02To set your logoYOUR LOGO (Up to 30characters)Display & Feature Settings How the unit operates#03 To set your facsimile telephonenumberYOUR FAX NO. (Up to 20digits)#04 To print and check the sendingreport for fax transmission results(p. 34)SENDING REPORT ERRORONOFF#06n For KX-FP81 onlyTo change the number of ringsbefore the unit answers a call in theFAX ONLY modeFAX RING COUNT 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9(The default setting is in bold type.) (continued)This setting can be changed whenthe unit is in FAX ONLY mode.#06n For KX-FP85 onlyTo change the number of ringsbefore the unit answers a call in theFAX ONLY modeFAX RING COUNT 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9n For KX-FP85 onlyTo change the number of ringsbefore the unit answers a call in theTAD/FAX modeTAD RING COUNT2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9TOLL SAVERRINGER OFFVOX1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9#10n For KX-FP85 onlyTo change the recording time for anincoming messageRECORDING TIME