74Error MessagesReports!Communication messageCOMMUNICATION ERRORDOCUMENT JAMMEDERROR-NOT YOUR UNITMEMORY FULLNO DOCUMENTOTHER FAX NOT RESPONDPRESSED THE STOP KEYTHE COVER WAS OPENEDOK40–4246–5258, 6568, 72FF4344—545970——————l A transmission or reception error occurred. Tryagain or check with the other party.l An overseas transmission error occurred. Try usingthe overseas mode (feature #23 on page 69).l The document is jammed. Remove the jammeddocument (p. 83).l A transmission or reception error occurredbecause of a problem with the other party’s faxmachine. Check with the other party.l The document was not received due to memorybeing full.l The document was not fed into the unit properly.Reinsert the document and try again.l The other party’s fax machine is busy or has runout of recording paper. Try again.l The document was not fed properly. Reinsert thedocument and try again.l The other party’s fax machine rings too manytimes. Send a fax manually – dial the number,confirm the fax tone, and press .l The other party’s machine is not a facsimile.Check with the other party.l The number you dialled is not in service.l was pressed and fax communication wascancelled.l The covers were opened. Close them and tryagain.l Fax communication was successful.STOPFAX STARTErrorcode Cause & RemedyIf your unit cannot send a fax, check the following.– The number you dialled is correct.– The other party’s machine is a facsimile.If the problem remains, correct it by following the communication message printed on thesending and journal reports (p. 34).