2End-User License AgreementTHIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOUAND PANASONIC. CAREFULLY READ ALL THETERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THISAGREEMENT PRIOR TO OPENING THE PACKETOF SOFTWARE PROGRAM. OPENING THEPACKET INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OFTHESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. If you do notagree to these terms and conditions, return theunopened packet and the other components of thePanasonic product to the place of purchase andyour money will be refunded. No refunds will begiven for the products that have an opened packetor missing components.1. COPYRIGHT:Panasonic has the right to license or has beengranted to license the enclosed SoftwareProgram (“SOFTWARE”), developed andcopyrighted by Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co.,Ltd. or its licensor (“Licensor”). Youacknowledge that you are receiving only aLIMITED LICENSE TO USE the SOFTWAREand related documentation, and that you shallobtain no title, ownership nor any other rights inor to the SOFTWARE and relateddocumentation, all of which title and rights shallremain with Licensor and Panasonic.2. LICENSE:(1) You have the non-exclusive rights to use theSOFTWARE on your computer. (2) If you wish touse the SOFTWARE in your network, you mayinstall the SOFTWARE into a network serverand/or its clients and use the copies ofSOFTWARE in your network. (3) You may makereasonable quantities of copies of theSOFTWARE solely for backup or archivalpurposes. (4) You may not rent or lease theSOFTWARE, but you may transfer your rightunder this License Agreement on a permanentbasis, provided that you transfer this Agreement,all copies of the SOFTWARE, all relateddocumentation and your Panasonic product, andthe recipient thereof agrees to the terms of thisAgreement. (5) You may not reverse engineer,decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE,except that in European Union and EuropeanFree Trade Association, you may have thelimited right to reverse engineer, decompile ordisassemble the SOFTWARE solely to theextent specifically permitted by the terms andconditions of Article 6 of the EuropeanCommunity’s Directive for the Legal Protectionof Computer Programs, OJL 122/42 (17 May1991). (6) You may not use, copy, modify, alteror transfer the SOFTWARE, any copy thereof orits related documentation, in whole or in part,except as expressly provided in this Agreement.3. TERM:This license is effective until terminated. You mayterminate this Agreement at any time bydestroying the SOFTWARE and relateddocumentation and all copies thereof. Thislicense will also terminate if you fail to complywith any term or condition of this Agreement.Upon such termination, you agree to destroy allcopies of the SOFTWARE and relateddocumentation.4. LIMITED WARRANTY:Within ninety (90) days of your receipt of theSOFTWARE, Panasonic warrants that thestorage media on which the SOFTWARE arefurnished is free from defect in materials andworkmanship under normal use, and that it willrepair or at its option replace any defective mediaat no charge to you, provided that such defectivemedia is returned to Panasonic within suchninety (90) days period.5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE, NEITHERPANASONIC NOR PANASONIC’S SUPPLIERMAKES OR PASSES ON TO YOU OR OTHERTHIRD PARTY, ANY WARRANTY ORREPRESENTATION INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITHOUT LIMITINGTHE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING,NEITHER PANASONIC NOR PANASONIC’SSUPPLIER WARRANTS THAT THESOFTWARE WILL BE ERROR-FREE OR THATIT WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS.NEITHER PANASONIC NOR PANASONIC’SSUPPLIER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANYDAMAGE SUFFERED BY YOU INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONSEQUENTIAL,INCIDENTAL SPECIAL OR PUNITIVEDAMAGES. THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS SHALLAPPLY REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OFACTION WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICTPRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVENIF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.