6.00 Numbering Plan6.01 Numbering Plan (Ol/ll)1 COMN 2 IHDEX 3 4 5 ij HRD CPY ;i i3 JSummaryThe first screen of the System-Numbering Planscreen sets the extension numbers for the 1 stthrough 12th Hundred Block Extension groups.(Password level : Two or higher)System - Numbering Plan I Of% I PRG 1 SCR I DIR--------------------------------------------+-----+----+---Numbering Plan (01/U)+----------------------------------------------------~I No. I Feature I DGl I DG2 I DG3 I DG4 II ----+- ----------------------~----+---1 1 \ 1st Hundred Block Extension------l 1 I - fI 2 I 2nd Hundred Block Extension------l 2 I I : ; - 1I 3 I 3rd Hundred Block Extension-------l 3 II 4 I 4th Hundred Block Extension -------I 1 : f : ;I 5 I 5th Hundred Block Extension ------I 1I 6 I 6th Hundred Block Extension -------I I : 1 : )I 7 I 7th Hundred Block Extension ------I I 1 - 1 - lI 8 I 8th Hundred Block Extension ------II 9 I 9th Hundred Block Extension -------I I- I - IL-ll 10 I 10th Hundred Block Extension ------Il 11 l 11th Hundred Block Extension --I--- I II - I - II 12 I 12th Hundred Block Extension ------ I I I : 1 : ;+ ---- --------------------__uIII_u___---+Assigning Items Selection of Value Reference1 st Hundred block Extension2nd Hundred Block Extension3rd Hundred Block Extension4th through 12th Hundred BlockExtension123blank0 to 9: set “DGl” and leave ‘DG2” blank *B-~JJOwhen the extension numbers are 3-B-2.ooto be composed of three digits,and set both ‘DGl” and “DG2”when the extension numbers areto be composed of four digits.9-D-33(70695)