3.00 Attendant ConsoleFunctionsUp to two Attendant Consoles (optional-with CRTdisplay) can be equipped with the system..The attendant console allows one or twoattendants to answer, screen, and controlincoming calls using Switched Loop Operation.With attendant operation, incoming calls can bescreened and forwarded to the proper party forresolution, messages taken for absent users, orforwarded to alternate locations.The attendant console is not dedicated to callprocessing and feature accessing, and can beused for system data programming anddiagnostics.Refer to Section 6 “Station Features andOperation-Attendant Console” for furtherinformation about attendant console callprocessing features, and Section 13 ‘StationProgramming-Attendant Console” for furtherinformation about attendant console localprogramming mode.OperationAttendant console is operable for the following.l Call Processing model System programmingl Diagnosticsl Editing local data4.00 CPU CardFunctions(1) Call process and basic shelf main protocol.(Microprocessor 8OC286).lTime switch (TSW) control, detection ofsystem clock alarm, basic shelf power downand expansion shelf power down alarm,watch dog.(2) System switch interface.There are Operation Switch (MODE) (10modes, 0 to 9) and System AdministrationDevice Selection Switch (SYSTEM) (10modes, 0 to 9) on the CPU rotary switch.When the system lost the programming databecause of system resetting, set systemoperation mode using these switches whenstarting up the system again.(3) Terminal interface.CPU card has two RS-232C terminalinterfaces.Operation(1) Operation Switch (MODE) and SystemAdministration Device Selection Switch(SYSTEM) are set by turning with screwdriver.(2) Reset switch is non-lock push switch.(3) LED for battery alarm lights when voltage ofLithium-battery becomes too low (less than2SV).(4) LED for watch dog lights when CPU’ssoftware is running away.(5) Watch dog is detecting CPU’s running away.1 -E-3