PreparationFor assistance, please visit 29Dialing mode Y oIf you cannot make calls, change thissetting depending on your telephone lineservice.“Tone”: For tone dial service.“Pulse”: For rotary pulse dial service.L You only need to program this settingonce, using either the handset or baseunit.1 {MENU} (F2) i x i {SELECT}2 “Set tel line” i {SELECT}3 “Set dial mode” i {SELECT}4 Select the desired setting. (Default:“Tone”) i {SAVE} i {OFF}1 {MENU} i h i {SET}2 “Set tel line” i {SET}3 “Set dial mode” i {SET}4 Select the desired setting. (Default:“Tone”) i {SET} i {STOP}Date and time Y oL You only need to program this settingonce, using either the handset or baseunit.1 {MENU} (F2) i x i {SELECT}2 “Date and time” i {SELECT}3 Enter the current month, day, and yearby selecting 2 digits for each.Example: May 15, 2006{0}{5} {1}{5} {0}{6}4 Enter the current hour and minute (12-hour clock format) by selecting 2 digitsfor each.Example: 9:30{0}{9} {3}{0}5 Press {*} to select “AM” or “PM”.6 {SAVE} i {OFF}1 {MENU} i h i {SET}2 “Date and time” i {SET}3 Enter the current month, day, and yearby selecting 2 digits for each.Example: May 15, 2006{0}{5} {1}{5} {0}{6}4 Enter the current hour and minute (12-hour clock format) by selecting 2 digitsfor each.Example: 9:30{0}{9} {3}{0}5 Press {*} to select “AM” or “PM”.6 {SET} i {STOP}Note for handset and base unit:L If you make a mistake when entering thedate and time, press {^}, {V}, {<}, or{>} to move the cursor, then make thecorrection.HandsetBase unitHandsetBase unit