Using a Cellular Phone with this UnitFor assistance, please visit 43Conference callsConference call with a cellular call andland line callWhile you are talking on a cellular call, youcan make or answer a 2nd call on the landline, and then combine the calls toestablish a conference call.1 During a cellular call, press {HOLD} 2times.2 To answer a land line call, press{LINE1} or {LINE2}.To make a land line call, press {LINE1}or {LINE2}, then dial the phonenumber.3 When the land line call is connected,press {CONF} to make a conferencecall.L To hang up only one line, press thedesired line button or {CELL} for theparty with which you want to continuetalking.L To put both lines on hold, press{HOLD}. To talk only with the landline caller, press the desired linebutton. To talk only with the cellularcaller, press {C}. To resume bothlines, press {CONF}.Conference call with a cellular call andan intercom callWhile you are talking on a cellular call, onemore extension can join the conversationand establish a conference call.1 During a cellular call, press{INTERCOM}.2 To page the base unit, press {0}.To page another handset, enter itsextension number ({1} to {8}).3 When the paged party answers, press{CONF} to make a conference call.L To leave the conference, press{OFF}. The other 2 parties cancontinue the conversation.Note:L The cellular call can be put on hold bypressing {HOLD}. Only the person whoplaced the call on hold can resume thefull conference by pressing {CONF}.