Result MessagesWhen you click [Save] after changing the settings on the current configuration screen, one of the followingmessages will appear in the upper-left area of the current configuration screen:Result Message Description Applicable ScreensComplete The operation has successfully completed. All screens except• 2.2.3 CS Version List• 2.2.5 PS Information• 2.4.9 CS Management• 2.4.10 Tree Survey• 2.4.12 PS Registration• 2.6.13 ExportPhonebook - PSFailed (Parameter Error) The operation failed because:• Some specified values are out of rangeor invalid.All screensFailed (Memory Access Error) The operation failed because:• Access error to the flash memoryoccurred while reading or writing thedata.All screens• A flash error occurred in reply to aSIP-CS synchronization error.2.6.10 Import Phonebook -All• The sent data was not createdcorrectly.2.6.13 Export Phonebook -PS• A flash error occurred while restoringthe data.2.7.2 RestoreFailed (Busy) The operation failed because:• The SIP-CS is performing an operationthat accesses the flash memory of theSIP-CS.All screens• HSAPP resources cannot be reserved.(The SIP-CS is busy.)2.6.11 Import Phonebook -PS• The specified S-PS is on a call. (TheS-PS’s busy status is known in statusmanagement.)2.6.11 Import Phonebook -PS• The specified S-PS is busy. (TheS-PS’s busy status is not known instatus management.)2.6.11 Import Phonebook -PS• The SIP-CS is busy. (e.g., The flashmemory is in use.)2.7.1 Backup2.7.2 Restore46 Administrator Guide Document Version 2013-032.1.3 Web User Interface Setting List