Page 21SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Be sure to observe193C-E-EMA00-A03-00CAUTIONM27EDO NOT GIVE ASHOCK TO THE ELEC-TRICAL EQUIPMENTS.There is a risk of an electricshock, leak or malfunction ofthe machine.USE A JIG TO FIT ANDREMOVE THESPRINGS.Your hands or fingers may beinjured.M30EBDO NOT DISAS-SEMBLE THE CAM-ERA UNIT.You may be injured or themachine may break down.If a breakdown occurs,consult the manufacturer.M41EWEAR A PROTECTIVEHAT AND GOGGLESFOR MAINTENANCEWORK.Your head or eyes may beinjured while performing main-tenance work.M44EM39ECARRY OUT PERIODIC MAINTE-NANCE AND INSPECTION.If you fail to carry out periodic inspection andmaintenance, the machine cannot exhibit its trueperformance. Also, it may break down or producedefectives.Periodic inspection and maintenance should becarried out by a trained person in charge ofmaintenance according to the instructions inMAINTENANCE MANUAL.BEFORE PERFORMING AUTOMATICWIDTH ADJUSTMENT, BE SURE TOVERIFY NO BOARDS OR OTHEROBJECTS ARE ON THE CONVEYOR.Boards or other objects may drop from the con-veyor, causing damage to the boards or the ma-chine.If there are any boards or other objects on theconveyor, turn OFF the servo switch and removethem.M36ETURN ON THEPOWER BEFORESUPPLYING AIR.Your hands or fingers may becaught in the board support.(1) Turn ON the power, then(2) turn ON the air.M29EBE CAREFUL IN HAN-DLING SOLDERPASTE.Some kinds of solder pastesare harmful to the human body.Follow the attached instruc-tion manuals when usingsolder pastes.M74E