389.3. Details of Electrical Adjustment9.3.1. How to execute the Electrical AdjustmentIt is not necessary to connect the camera to a PC to perform adjustments.“Flag reset operation” and “Initial setting operation” are required when carrying out the alignment, follow the procedure below. Startup Electrical Adjustment mode1. Release the initial settings.2. Insert a recordable SD card.(Without a SD card, the automatic adjustment can notexecuted.)3. Procedure to set the camera into adjustment mode:a. Set the mode into [ NORMAL PICTURE ] mode.b. Turn the Power off.c. Turn the Power on pressing [ DISPLAY ] and [ MENU/SET ] simultaneously.LCD monitor displays “SERVICE MODE”.(Refer toFig. 3-1) Status Adjustment Flag SettingReset (Not yet adjusted) the status flag condition.1. After pressing the [ DISPLAY ] button, the LCD monitordisplays the Flag status screen (Refer to Fig.3-2)2. Select item by pressing the Cursor buttons. (Gray cursoris moved accordingly.)3. Press the [ Delete ] button.NOTE:The selected item's flag has been changed from“F (green)” to “0 (yellow)”.*(Refer to Fig. 3-3)*Flag conditions:F (green)means that the alignment has been completed and thestatus flag condition is set. In this case, the flag conditionshould be reset, if you try to carry out the automatic align-ment.0 (yellow)means that the alignment has been not “completed” andthe status flag condition is “reset”. In this case, automaticalignment is available.• In case of setting the status flag into set condition again without completion of the alignment, the status flag should be SET byusing PC, or UNDO by using ROM BACKUP function.