Thank you very much for yourpurchase of Panasonic AC ServoMotor & Driver, MINAS E-series.Before use, refer this manual andsafety instructions to ensureproper use. Keep this manualand read when necessary.Make sure to forward this manualfor safety to the final user.Technical referenceAC Servo Motor & DriverMINAS E-seriesIf you are the first user of this product, please be sure to purchase and readthe optional Engineering Material (DV0P3700), or downloaded instructionManual from our Web Site.1.Introduction ........................... B2After Opening the Package ....................... B2Check the Model of Driver ......................... B2Check the Model of Motor ......................... B32.System Configurationand Wiring ............................. B4General Wiring Diagram ............................ B4Wiring of Connectors CN X1, X3(Wiring of Main Circuits) ......................... B6Wiring to Connector CN X4(Connection with Encoder) ..................... B7Circuit Available for TypicalControl Modes ........................................ B83.Parameter ............................ B10Parameter ................................................ B104.Protective Functions .......... B15Protective Functions(What is alarm code?) ............................. B155.Conformance to EC Directivesand UL standards ................ B17Peripheral Equipment .............................. B18Conformance to EC Directives andUL Standards ........................................ B20After-Sale Service (Repair) .... B21page pagePhone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: - Email: