CautionsPlease read these cautions before operating the Movie Cameraand its accessories.Video Head CloggingThe video heads are the means by which the Movie Camera placespicture signals on the tape during recording, and reads picturesignals from the tape during playback, If these heads become dirtyand clogged from long use, the signals can no longer be recordedor played back correctly. This is the case, if the sound of a tapeduring playback is reproduced normally, but the picture is notvisible or greatly distorted. When such symptoms occur, have theMovie Camera checked by qualified service personnel.This Movie Camera is equipped with Head Clogging DetectionFunction. When the heads are clogged, the “ € " Indication in theViewfinder will appear. As the accumulation of dirt on the headsmay be dislodged by the movement of the tape, it is possible thatthis indication sometimes appears, but may not reappear on thenext recording start. 4TheHeadCloggingDetectionFunctionwillbeactivatedwhentherecordingisstartedtromtherecordingpausemode. However,itwillnotbeactivatedwhenrecordingimmediatelyafterreplacingthecassetteandafterplayingbacksomepartofthetape.If Condensation Forms Inside theMovie CameraCondensation(dew)formswhen warmaircomesincontactwith acoldobject,forexampleon awindowinaheatedroominwinter.CondensationmayalsoformintheMovieCameraanddamagethetapeandthevideoheads,if:TheMovieCamerais inaroomwherethe heaterhasjustbeenturnedon,The Movie Camera is in a room with steam or high humidity.The Movie Camera is brought from cold surroundings into a well-heated room.TheMovieCameraissuddenlybroughtfromcoolsurroundings.suchasanair-conditionedroomor car,toaplacewhichishotandhumid.«WhencondensationhasformedinsidetheMovieCamera,the“DEW"IndicationintheViewfinderwillflashandfewsecondslater,theMovieCamerawillturnitselfofftoprotect thetapeandthevideoheads.After a while,turntheMovieCameraon againandmakesurethatthe“DEW”Indicationisnotdisplayedanymore,Then,waitabout1hour beforeoperatingtheMovieCameraagain.Dependingonthesurroundingconditions,itmaytake severalhoursbeforetheMovieCameracanbe usedagain.®As condensation forms gradually, it may take about10-15 minutes before the Movie Camera turns itself off after achange of working environment.inanextremelycold place,condensationmayfreezeandturnintofrost.inthiscase,itmaytake quitesometimeforthefrost tomelt,turnintodewandevaporate.Whenyoubring theMovieCamerafroma very cold place,e.g.theskislopes,intoaheated room,keepitinatightlyclosedplasticbagorsimilar topreventcondensationfrom forminginsidetheMovieCamera.Cautions for the Movie CameraIn case ot abnormal operation of this Movie Camera (e.g. if it emitssmoke or some unusual smell), immediately stop the operation andconsult qualified service personnel.@ Cautions for Use:®Do not disassembie or reconstruct this Movie Camera. Someinternal parts of this Movie Camera have high voitage.Diassembling or reconstructing is very dangerous and may causeserious damage to the Movie Camera.Never put any objects inside.Never insert any metal objects or inflammable material throughany of the openings (cassette compartment, etc.). If any liquid isSpilled into the Movie Camera, immediately stop the operationand consult qualified service personnel.Operating the Movie Camera with some foreign matter insidemay cause malfunction or electric shock.if children have access to this Movie Camera, special attentionshould be paid to this point.eNever aim the lens at the sun because this could causepermanent damage to the CCD image sensor. Such damagecould manifest itself in reduced picture quality or could makerecording altogether impossible. Attention should be paid to thispoint not only during recording but during other operations aswell.®Never subject the Movie Camera to strong vibrations or shocks.Shocks during use may result in picture distortion.Do not use this Movie Camera during a thunderstorm, especiallynot in a large open field, because this would be very dangerous.If used indoors during a thunderstorm, be sure to disconnect theAC Adaptor from the mains outlet.NeverusethisMovieCamerawiththecassettecompartmentfacingdown,becausethiscouldcauseunevenwinding,siackinganddamagetothetape.Do not use the viewlinder as a carrying handle when transportingthe Movie Camera.Notes,Others|