E NGLISH -43 Adjustments and settings42-ENGLISHRESIZINGThis should normally be set to “ON”.(This setting is only for signalswhich have lower resolutions thanthe LCD panels. Refer to page 62for details.)ONThe pixel resolution of the inputsignal is converted to the sameresolution as the LCD panels beforebeing projected. For signals withlower resolutions, gaps in the pixelsare automatically interpolated intothe picture before it is projected.This may sometimes causeproblems with the quality of thepicture.OFFThe picture signal is projected at itsoriginal resolution, with no pixelconversion. The projected picturewill be smaller than normal, soadjust the zoom setting or move theprojector forwards or backwards toadjust the picture size if necessary.If set to “OFF”, some features, suchas D.ZOOM (digital zoom) orkeystone distortion correction willnot function.AUTO SETUPThis item functions in the same wayas the AUTO SETUP button on theremote control unit. (page 27)FRAME LOCKIf the picture’s condition is bad whilea RGB moving picture signal isprojected, set the FRAME LOCK to“ON”. Refer to page 62 oncompatible RGB signals.possible.B The picture size will also change whencorrection of keystone distortion iscarried out.B The range of keystone correction variesdepending on the type of signal beinginput (including when no signal is beinginput). If you make an adjustment that isoutside the allowable range, the settingwill not be changed. In addition, if theinput signal changes after keystonecorrection has been carried out, thecorrection setting may be cancelled.This indicates that the current correctionsetting exceeds the allowable range forthe new input signal.B If you correct both vertical and horizontalkeystone distortion at the same time, theallowable range of keystone correctionbecomes smaller. If you make anadjustment that is outside the allowablerange, the setting will not be changed.B The ratio of length and width of animage may become incorrect dependingon the amount of the keystonecorrection.ratio is changed automatically toproject a 16:9 picture.4:3The input signal is projected withoutchange.16:9The picture is compressed to a ratioof 16:9 and projected.S4:3The size of the input signal iscompressed to 75% and projected.(This is useful for projecting a picture witha 4:3 aspect ratio onto a 16:9 screen.)OSD POSITIONPress the I or H buttons to movethe OSD position.ASPECTThis setting is only valid for an S-VIDEO/VIDEO signal and a YP BP Rsignal in 525i (480i), 525p (480p)and 625i format.AUTO(S-VIDEO only)When an S1 video signal is input tothe S-VIDEO terminal, the aspectWhen asqueezedsignal is beinginput. (Theprojectedimage iscontractedvertically)[S1 video signalsB S1 video signals are a type ofvideo signal with an aspect ratioof 16:9 which include a detectorsignal. This detector signal isoutput by some sources such aswide-vision video decks. If theAUTO setting above is selected,this projector will recognise thedetector signal and automaticallyswitch the aspect ratio to 16:9 inorder to project the picture.NOTE:B This projector is equipped with anaspect ratio selection function.However, if a mode which doesnot match the aspect ratio of theinput signal is selected, it mayaffect the quality of viewing of theoriginal picture. Keep this in mindwhen selecting the aspect ratio.B If using this projector in placessuch as cafes or hotels with theaim of displaying programmes forviewing for a commercial purposeor for public presentation, notethat if the aspect ratio (16:9)selection function is used tochange the aspect ratio of thescreen picture, you may beinfringing the rights of the originalcopyright owner for thatprogramme under copyrightprotection laws.B If a normal (4:3) picture which wasnot originally intended for wide-screen viewing is projected onto awide screen, distortion may occuraround the edges of the picture sothat part of the picture is no longervisible. Such programmes shouldbe viewed in 4:3 mode to giveproper consideration to the aimsand intentions of the originalprogramme’s creator.AUTO4:316:9S4:3When using the 16:9 screenWhen a 4:3signal is beinginput[