93 Service Navigation3.1. IntroductionThis service manual contains technical information, which allow service personnel’s to understand and service this model.Please place orders using the parts list and not the drawing reference numbers.If the circuit is changed or modified, the information will be followed by service manual to be controlled with original service manual.3.2. About Lead Free Solder (PbF)Distinction of PbF PCB:PCBs (manufactured) using lead free solder will have a PbF stamp on the PCB.Caution:• Pb free solder has a higher melting point than standard solder, Typically the melting point is 50-70°F (30-40°C) higher.Please use a high temperature soldering iron. In case of soldering iron with temperature control, please set it to 700±20°F(370±10°C).• Pb free solder will tend to splash when heated too high (about 1100°F/600°C).When soldering or unsoldering, please completely remove all of the solder on the pins or solder area, and be sure to heat the sol-dering points with the Pb free solder until it melts enough.3.3. Important Notice 1:(Other than U.S.A. and Canadian Market)• The service manual does not contain the following information, because of the impossibility of servicing at component level.a. Schematic diagram, Block Diagram and PCB layout of Main PCB (L), (R).b. Parts list for individual parts of Main PCB (L), (R).When a part replacement is required for repairing Main PCB (L), (R), replace as an assembled parts. (Main PCB (L), (R))Downloaded From CamcorderManual.com Panasonic Manuals