35Screen DescriptionSystem up for Shows accumulated time since the Switching Hub boot-up.Boot CodeVersionShows the version of Boot Code.Runtime CodeVersionShows the version of Runtime Code.(Upgrading firmware version described in 4.9.1 is applicable to RuntimeCode.)HardwareInformationShows the hardware information.Version Shows the hardware version information.DRAM / Flash Size Shows capacities of mounted DRAM and Flashmemory.AdministrationInformationItems shown here are configured in accordance with "4.6.1 SystemAdministration Configuration."Switch Name Shows the name of the Switching Hub. Noinformation is set on shipment.Switch Location Shows the installation location of the Switching Hub.No information is set on shipment.Switch Contact Shows contact information of the Switching Hub. Noinformation is set on shipment.SystemAddressInformationItems shown here are configured in accordance with "4.6.2 System IPConfiguration."MAC Address Shows the MAC address of this Switching Hub. Thisvalue is uniquely assigned to each device and cannotbe changed.IP Address Shows the Switching Hub's current IP address. is displayed because no address is set onshipment. For configuration details, refer to 4.6.2.Subnet Mask Shows the Switching Hub's current subnet mask. is displayed because no address is set onshipment. For configuration details, refer to 4.6.2.Default Gateway Shows the IP address of the router for the defaultgateway. is displayed because no address isset on shipment. For configuration details, refer to4.6.2.