4Read Me FirstGetting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixThese symbols are only valid in theEuropean Union. If you wish to dis-card this product, please contact yourlocal authorities or dealer and ask forthe correct method of disposal.53-M-1The following safety precautions must be observed duringall phases of the operation, usage, service or repair of anyPersonal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporatingwireless WAN modem. Manufacturers of the cellular ter-minal are advised to convey the following safety informa-tion to users and operating personnel and to incorporatethese guidelines into all manuals supplied with the prod-uct. Failure to comply with these precautions violatessafety standards of design, manufacture and intendeduse of the product. Panasonic assumes no liability forcustomer failure to comply with these precautions.When in a hospital or other health care facility,observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles.Switch Personal Computer or Handheld Computerincorporating wireless WAN modem off, if instructedto do so by the guidelines posted in sensitive areas.Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy.The operation of cardiac pacemakers, otherimplanted medical equipment and hearing aids canbe affected by interference from Personal Computeror Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WANmodem placed close to the device. If in doubt aboutpotential danger, contact the physician or the manu-facturer of the device to verify that the equipment isproperly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advisedto keep their Personal Computer or Handheld Com-puter incorporating wireless WAN modem away fromthe pacemaker, while it is on.Switch off Personal Computer or HandheldComputer incorporating wireless WAN modembefore boarding an aircraft. Make sure it cannotbe switched on inadvertently. The operation ofwireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden toprevent interference with communications sys-tems. Failure to observe these instructions maylead to the suspension or denial of cellular ser-vices to the offender, legal action, or both.For details on usage of this unit in aircraftsplease consult and follow instruction providedby the airline.Do not operate Personal Computer or Hand-held Computer incorporating wireless WANmodem in the presence of fl ammable gases orfumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when youare near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemicalplants or where blasting operations are inprogress. Operation of any electrical equipmentin potentially explosive atmospheres can con-stitute a safety hazard.Your Personal Computer or Handheld Com-puter incorporating wireless WAN modemreceives and transmits radio frequency energywhile switched on. Remember that interferencecan occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios,computers or inadequately shielded equipment.Follow any special regulations and alwaysswitch off Personal Computer or HandheldComputer incorporating wireless WAN modemwherever forbidden, or when you suspect that itmay cause interference or danger.Road safety comes fi rst! Do not use a PersonalComputer or Handheld Computer incorporat-ing wireless WAN modem while driving a vehi-cle. Do not place the computer with wirelessWAN modem in an area where it could causepersonal injury to the driver or passengers. It isrecommended to stow the unit in the boot orsecure stowage area while driving. Do notplace the computer with wireless WAN modemin an area over an air bag or in the vicinitywhere an air bag may deploy.Air bags infl ate with great force and if the com-puter with wireless WAN modem is placed inthe air bag deployment area may be propelledwith great force and cause serious injury tooccupants of the vehicle.IMPORTANT!Personal Computer or Handheld Computerincorporating wireless WAN modem operateusing radio signals and cellular networks can-not be guaranteed to connect in all conditions.Therefore, you should never rely solely uponany wireless device for essential communica-tions, for example emergency calls.Remember, in order to make or receive calls,Personal Computer or Handheld Computerincorporating wireless WAN modem must beswitched on and in a coverage area with ade-quate cellular signal strength.Some networks do not allow for emergencycalls if certain network services or phone fea-tures are in use (e.g. lock functions, fi xed dial-ing etc.). You may need to deactivate thosefeatures before you can make an emergencycall.Some networks require that a valid SIM card beproperly inserted in Personal Computer orHandheld Computer incorporating wirelessWAN modem.Federal Communications Commission Radio Fre-quency Interference StatementNote: This equipment has been tested and found to com-ply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-ence in a residential installation. This equipment gener-ates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment doesInformation for Users on Collectionand Disposal of Old Equipment andused BatteriesSafety PrecautionsModels for U.S.A.