105Troubleshooting (Advanced)You do not know the available RAM modulez Refer to Operating Instructions “Expanding Memory” or “Specifications”.To check if the additional RAM module has been installed successfullyz If the installation is successful, the main memory and total RAM module size appears in the [Information] menu of theSetup Utility (Î page 79).z If the RAM module is not confirmed:• Turn the computer off and reinsert the RAM module.• Confirm the recommended specifications.Regarding the RAM module, refer to Operating Instructions “Expanding Memory” or “Specifications.”The address map for IRQ, I/O port address, etc. is unclearz You can check with the following procedure.A Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [System] - [Hardware] - [Device Manager].B In the [View] menu, click [Resources by type].A device connected to a PC Card does not operate correctly (e.g. unstable videoimages when writing videos to a DV camera using IEEE1394 PC Card)z This may occur because of performance degradation as a result of the CPU power-saving function. Execute the followingoperations after logging on to Windows as an administrator.A Input [c:\util\cpupower\setup.exe] in [start] - [Run], and then click [OK].Follow the on-screen instructions.B Click [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [CPU Idle Setting].C Click [Performance], click [OK] and then click [Yes].The computer will be restarted automatically.z If these phenomena occur even with the above settings, click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance andMaintenance] - [Power Options] - [Power Schemes], click [Always On] from [Power schemes], and click [OK].z These operations will be helpful in easing the performance losses resulting from CPU power-savingfunctions, but will not be effective against the phenomena resulting from other causes. (e.g., noise generatedduring periods of exceptionally high load on the CPU, such as during video playback)z When these operations are performed, the battery running time will be reduced to some extent. We thusrecommend that when these phenomena do not occur, you should select [Battery (Windows XP Standard)] in